Thursday 3 October 2013

'My Daughter is Two!!' and other scary stories.

Yep, some weird time travelling Doctor Who mayhem happened, and the baby that I literally gave birth to about a week ago....turned 2!!

It was a sobering thought, that I'm sure all parents go through. Where the hell did the time go?!
Lib is an absolute gem though, and had a wonderful day on her birthday. We had a party at the local city farm, which she loved! I never thought I'd be one to do a big party for a 2 year old, but because our living room is the size of a large shoebox we had to give in and hire somewhere. :) It was a great fun...though of course it played a bit of havoc with my MS. When it comes to parties I just can't help but get stuck in and plan and arrange and make cakes, and basically do all the things I could/should have handed over. But's my daughter! I want to make it special for her. :)

A mischievous grin, if ever I saw one...

birthday cake, Sarah and Duck,

The cake. 4 hours it took. I show it to Lib on her birthday, and all she does is reach over for the chocolate fingers at the other end of the table. Ha! Next year clearly has to just be a huge chocolate cake!!

Anyway, things are dying down and getting back to normal now. Phew.
So...scary tale 2?

We're thinking of moving! For loads of reasons, we've decided to combine houses with Si's Mum, Sheila, and all live in one big house. The key will definitely be having lots of space to be able to do our separate things, which Sheila knows all too well, having lived with her parents when Si was growing up. It does mean, however, trying to move two houses into one. Like moving isn't stressful enough as it is! :)
It'll be great though. Me and Si would love to have a second child, but we know there are unknown issues that could crop up if we give it a go. I mean, my MS could flare up and make those first few months even harder, so having another pair of hands in the house would certainly be a huge weight off my mind. Especially if Si has to travel more in the future. It's certainly not something we're rushing into anyway. I reckon, waiting until Lib's at school would make sense because I know I'd get time during the day when I just have one child to cope with, which would be a blessing if I'm not well. Anyway, it kicks up all sorts of thought and feelings that I'm not going to cover now (another day), and we're going to take our time with the move, and just be relaxed about the whole thing to try and keep the stress levels down!

Scary tale 3?

Short but sweet. They're selling mince pies in the local supermarket. It's the 3rd of October!!!!!!! Their Christmas display is practically up!! I actually found this rather shocking, and was tempted to throw them all off the shelves in a fit of anger. I love Christmas, but why can't it just be Christmas? Why does it have to be a 3 month Christmas 'season' now?! It means you are feeling royally unseasonal by the time Christmas actually comes, and that's such a shame. I have a feeling I wrote a similar blog post last year (obviously a reoccurring outrage!) but I've never known the Christmas stuff to come out this early. *shudder*

Anyway, my patient followers. Hopefully it won't be quite as long between blog posts next time. At least it's obvious how much has been on my mind! Mince pies in October....Eeek!  ;)

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