Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Puppet Hands of Metson

So I woke up this morning and my gentle, expressive, dainty hands have been transformed into PUPPET HANDS FROM HELL (obviously it needs to be said in a deep booming voice).

Seriously, my wrists have totally stiffened up, so with my hands dangling limply over the keyboard and my brow furrowed in concentration I now resemble Pinocchio trying to write a stern letter to someone. They just will not do what I ask them to. I had to have a cup of tea in an espresso mug earlier so I could cup it safely in my scoop hands!

Obviously, when I try and walk anywhere though I look more like a robot. A shuffly robot..with puppet scoop hands. You know I'm kind of glad my husband isn't here to see this!

In other news, the pharmacy couldn't get hold of the huge amount of steroids I need, so they needed to order them in. Hopefully treatment starts today, so I can then begin to look like a robot with puppet scoop hands, and a beetroot for a face. Nice.

robot, MS, relapse, spasticity

Scoop hands.


  1. I'm so impressed your still posting with all this going on, must be really tricky if your hands aren't working properly. Hope the steroids kick in quick. Hugs

    1. I think Elisabeth and off-loading on this are the only things keeping me sane. I tried to moan to Lib but she just put a nappy on her head, which,, as we all know, is the international sign for "SHUT UP!". :D
