Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Swank Diet is not built for honeymoons...

Not that I couldn't have stuck to it. Oh no, I was merely being lazy and couldn't be bothered to get my head around the Finnish for 'No, sorry. I can't have your lovely pancakes...I'm on a diet you don't understand'.

I'd decided before I left to relax it a bit and not worry about it too much if there's nothing on offer that's suitable. I got there on the Monday night, and was in hog heaven. Pickles! Fish! Pickled Fish! Salad! Nice bread! Hurrah! But I confess there was only so much pickled fish and gherkins I could take. I think it was the pickled pike that put the nail in the coffin. It was...interesting. Kind of like pork. But fishy. I wasn't a fan. So that's why cheese got thrown into the cut through the vinegar! Then in crept the creamy fish and yoghurt dessert which I heartily tuck into in the pretence of 'trying the local cuisine'. Lame excuse. :) To top it all the local supermarket did have soya milk, which was great, but I kept forgetting to take it down to breakfast so still drank milk (see what I mean about the laziness?).

However, I'm back now, and starting back on the diet. Having said that, we're going for curry for lunch...Monday. I'll start again on Monday. I'm entitled to be lenient because I'm still ill. Don't judge me. ;)

Last night I did have a Swank friendly dinner though. I made Sweet Potato Quesadillas which were lovely. It was the first meal we've had a couple of weeks with big flavour. As you'd imagine, the Finnish cuisine doesn't use a lot of spice.

The recipe is from one of my favourite blogs: The Chubby Vegetarian. It has fantastic recipes, and often they are Swank diet friendly, or at the very least can be adapted.

Finland Juniper Herring Onion Pickle Dill Swank Diet Low Fat Multiple Sclerosis

Pickled herring. A little goes a long way!

1 comment:

  1. Monday is always a good day to start something, or restart something, like a diet. "Tomorrow" works well too! :)

    The sweet potato quesadillas look yummy! My husband's a little scared of the mashy sweet potato part, but he claims he'll try them.

    Not sure if you get notified of old comments on your blog, but I've gone through (the Swank posts to start with) and, especially with the cheese-related post you wrote, revealed my Super-Secret Tip for cheese on the Swank Diet! I'm also curious about how you managed to get such amazing-looking blondies out of the Swank cupcake recipe. I've devoted an inordinate amount of time/space in my blog on these devils; I cannot get them to come out right!!

    Anyway, really enjoy your blog!
