Monday 13 December 2021

Enjoying the festive season with MS

Christmas for me, means family time and making it special for the kids. 

Woman in Santa hat with Christmas tree
Santa hat on and a smile on my face

But I’m starting to think I should be making it special for me too!

Historically, I’ve been completely burnt out by Christmas Day because I’ve been trying to cram so much in during the festive period, but this year I’m going to make a change in the hope of keeping the awful fatigue at bay. 

This year I’m going to try and be a bit more measured. After a strange Christmas period last year (due to lockdown) I’m determined not to get too over excited and take part in every Christmas activity going. This ultimately leaves to burn out, and if I get tired and fatigued, my walking is affected meaning I struggle to do the things I really need to do. 

No I’m going to take it all in my stride, and be organised. Wrapping will be done in good time, so I can enjoy Christmas Eve and have an early night. There are certain tasks I do each year (like make a door wreath) that might have to be an optional extra instead of paramount.  

It leads me on to traditions that I can do with the kids, that I know I’ll be able to do each year regardless of fatigue. Baking is always a great Christmas activity to do with the kids that is low impact (I can sit down for most of it as I supervise), and as we all know, me and Lib love baking! This year, we're having a sticky ginger cake in lieu of a Christmas cake, because Ed doesn't like fruit cake, so that'll be something to do with the kids. It's a shame we can't make it in advance though!

The tree is up, and looking lovely, and I was grateful for the help this year. Lib and Ed gave up incredibly quickly last year so it was left to me to decorate. This year though, they enjoyed it!

Though it may sound selfish, self preservation is the key to surviving the festive spirit with MS, and doing things within moderation. I've realised I need to not get bogged down with the stuff I think you need to do. That being said, I enjoy it all! There's a fine line between doing what I want to do and not getting too burnt out. I have to remember that Christmas is about family, friends and love, so I need to enjoy it.....within reason!


I hope your festive season is relaxed and wonderful this year!


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