Thursday 6 January 2022

New Year, New Me? I doubt it!

I've decided not to make any new years resolutions this year, apart from one - be kinder to myself. 

No more resolutions to lose weight, drink less, do more exercise....I never stick to them and then I feel like a failure. 

No, 2022 is the year I try and be kinder to myself. If I feel low and eat some chocolate? So be it. If I fancy a relaxing drink with my husband? Go for it. If I'm too fatigued to sustain an exercise regime? Bugger it. 

I know I should lose weight, but I've realised that to make those changes, with me, changes need to come from within. I need to stop beating myself up for not being a certain size or shape. My body is a product of having children. It's the product of my disability. And it's just the way I am at the moment. 

I feel that what will be will be this year. 

One thing I am going to try and do for myself though, is do more art. I find it very therapeutic, and enjoy it. Si got me a load of art stuff for Christmas, so I really have no excuse now. We've touched on artwork in my counselling sessions, and I'm going to try and express my emotions more through my art. It can be a very powerful medium. The first picture I did of the year was of a sunset. I had a photograph of an amazing sunset I took with my Dad, the first time I took my new camera out when I was in my teens. It was a special memory for me, so putting it into a painting was a lovely feeling. 

acrylic painting of a sunset

My sunset done with metallic acrylic paint

Another thing I'm going to do, to be kinder to myself, is do more mediation and mindfulness. Again we've been talking about it in counselling, and it really can be beneficial for me. That feeling of peace you get when meditating is lovely. Hopefully I'll be able to work my way up to doing it every day, though that might be a bit ambitious!

Times may be hard this year - lets be honest the last two have been hard enough as it is, but stepping forward with kindness and compassion to myself is the way to go I think. I need to accept that I have limitations, and if I need to rest I need to rest. It's not laziness. 

I hope 2022 is a good year for you all! Are there any resolutions you've made? I'd love to hear them! Post in the comment section below.   


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