Monday 10 January 2022

Sugar and Bipolar Disorder

I had a very over-indulgent Christmas (didn't we all?!) and as a consequence I feel like cr*p. 

After my last post, about not setting any New Year resolutions, I felt a fraud for instantly reaching for a diet app to get myself back on track. I ditched it pretty quickly, but it did get me thinking about what the sticking point is with my diet. Where is the real problem? 

I mentioned last week about feeling like I need to address problems within, in order to make a change to my diet, and I think that is true. I am one of life's big comfort eaters, but I've never made the link between that and my bipolar. 

The cycle is such - 

I mean, let's be honest, I'm screwed!
How am I ever going to lose weight when my mood plays such a big part of my eating patterns? 

I've never twigged how much my bipolar impacts what I eat so I did a bit of research into bipolar and, in particular, sugar. 

"Carbohydrate intake prompts the production and release of important neurotransmittors, such as serotonin, which creates a feeling of calm and well-being and reduces depression...."


"....people who eat too much sugar may find their mood swinging wildly, according to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) — a terrible prospect for people with bipolar symptoms. They also face an inevitable "crash" following the intake of simple carbohydrates like sugar. Sugary foods burn hot and fast through the body, and their effects on brain chemistry and other bodily processes tend to be immediate, intense, and abrupt."

You can read the full article from Everyday Health here. 

But if sugar is bad for my bipolar, yet it's my go-to when I'm down, what can I do? 

Well, as the article suggests, to regulate mood you start by getting the right kind of carbs.

  • Eat more complex carbohydrates such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains
  • Eat more omega 3 fatty acids found in things such as salmon, flaxseed and walnuts
  • Be sure to eat enough protein

So far, so sensible, but it hardly screams comfort food. I think the thing I need to concentrate on are foods to get me through a bad period. I know I should eat healthily, but it's very hard when you're feeling rock bottom. 

For me, I think I need to break it down. I know sugar is bad for me, and affects my bipolar and mood, and having a low mood means I comfort eat, and consume more sugar. Which in turn means my mood worsens. I give you - the vicious cycle. 

I need to break that cycle, and to me, the only logical thing to do is dramatically reduce my sugar intake. In turn, this cuts out my favourite snacks, which are undoubtedly making me put on weight. 

I've decided to try and eliminate refined sugar from my diet. This means I'll still allow myself a little honey and of course, fruit. I know that if I eliminated fruit as well, I wouldn't be able to stick to it. 

Now is the time to get creative though, which I love. I need to find sugar-free snacks that will satisfy a sugary craving. I turned to my best friend Pinterest for some ideas:

  • This healthy, low sugar apple cake looks right up my street (I love anything with cinnamon in it) from Her Highness, Hungry Me.  
  • I'm also going to try these sugar free chocolate brownies for a special treat from Taste Made.
  • Vegan banana nut muffins from It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken
I don't want to rely on baked treats for snacks though (that's surely not good for the thighs!) so I've come up with an additional list. Women's Health have some great ideas.
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Whole-wheat pretzels with dip
  • Apples dipped in peanut/almond butter
  • Dates
  • Trail mix
  • Banana on toast
  • Yoghurt
  • Mashed avocado with toast/stuff to dip
  • Fruit
  • Crudités with houmous
  • and if all else fails, a raw fruit/protein bar such as a Nakd bar. 

I think that's enough to be keeping me sane.

I've decided there's one thing I won't be given up though......Heinz Tomato Ketchup (and before you say they do a low sugar version. I know. It's horrible. Ha!)

If you have any low sugar ideas, do post them below. I'd appreciate any help! :)

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