Friday 25 January 2019

Exciting news....then The Crash

So after Christmas I thought I was down.
Well, the crash that followed showed me that I wasn't really depressed at all, just a bit low.

But let me start at the beginning.
Before Christmas I was thinking a lot about what I really wanted to do when Ed started school. After all, I knew it wouldn't be good for my mental health to just stay at home with nothing to do. I need to try and stay occupied to distract me.
I did think a lot about copy writing, but I just couldn't bring myself to feel enthusiastic about it. Not a very good start for a possible career!

I thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that I needed to do something that helps people. I'd also love to work with pregnant women and families and they start their fantastic journey. So I finally settled on training to become a hypno birthing instructor! I did hypno birthing with both Lib and Ed and it was an amazing experience.

Now, starting a whole new career is a big thing to take on for me but I feel like I can do this. Following advice from my cousin (she does it too) I realised that it might actually work really well...especially doing one-on-one sessions. So I'm going to take the plunge!

However, I got ahead of myself. I was so excited at the new venture (even though my training won't be until the end of the year) that I went into a manic period. I could not stop thinking about it, and subsequently couldn't sleep.

So what happens after a manic period. Yep. The Crash. My mood dropped and I fell into a depression. It hasn't been a very nice week, but now that I'm feeling brighter I'm still enthusiastic about the training which is a really good sign. Often when I latch onto something when I'm manic then when I find it hard to maintain the interest when I'm back to normal, but I'm still raring to go. Just in a much more measured and relaxed way! I've just got to learn to take my time with things so my mood stays stable. Using mindfulness has helped once again - another reason why I want to teach it to people. :)

I have a feeling it's going to be an exciting year!

A pregnant woman holding her baby bump
Nope I'm not pregnant!!

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