Thursday 4 August 2022

Dysphasia and Acid Reflux

I had an endoscopy the other day.  

I couldn't have the sedative (stupid low blood pressure) so had to do it without and it was frankly brutal.  

I managed to remain calm, but it left me feeling battered and bruised and I had awful nightmares afterwards.  There's something about a big black tube being inserted down my throat that gave me the real heebie jeebies. 

But why did I need it? Well, it started with dysphasia (trouble swallowing) which had been going on for a month or so. Dysphasia is a common symptom of MS, so I kind of shrugged it off as that, but then I noticed I was getting a poorly tummy EVERY lunchtime.  I would eat lunch then things would.... and I apologise if this is too much information.... but things would just erupt. Again, I sort of stuck my head in the sand about it. I had also been getting a lot of heartburn and just felt...unwell. 

It was only after talking to my Mum about it that she gave me the answer (at least I hope it's the answer).....acid reflux. She suffers from it herself,  so could see all the signs. I went to the doctor, and she said she wanted to do an endoscopy just to make sure there wasn't anything untoward happening. She suspected it was acid reflux though. 

They did the endoscopy and took some biopsies to check some inflamed areas for infection. I haven't had the results back yet, but have been given a recommendation for a medication called Omeprazole that can help reflux. 

We're currently on hols,  but I've been trying the meds for the past 5 days. So far so good, though the first couple of days they did make me feel a little nauseous. 

I'm always keen to see if i can help matters without medication though, so, after doing some research,  I've decided to cut back on coffee, tomatoes, onion,  garlic, chocolate, white wine, and I'm pretty sure dairy aggravates it too. That doesn't leave much else!! That's pretty much all i used to eat..... hence the reflux I guess! 😂 Obviously my diet has been pretty poor this holiday, but I intend to get back on it when I return to Bristol.  

I'm trying Omeprazole for a month,  but if can manage things without it, that would be good. 

Sometimes I just feel like there's ALWAYS SOMETHING, you know?! Can't seem to catch a break. If it's not MS, its bipolar,  anxiety, and now acid reflux and a horrible endoscopy. Sometimes it must gets a bit much. However I do feel like I don't do myself any favours. My health would improve (hopefully) if I lost weight, and there's only me holding me back. I figure I have to see this as a challenge and meet it head on. 

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